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New England, United States
DynaDuctINC produces short films made for the internet. You can find us on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook. Be sure to check out our videos. We love making movies and to show your support you can subscribe to our channel on YouTube or you can send us an email at dynaduct@gmail.com

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What should Tristan's forge be named?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

You have got to be kidding me...

We got like a foot of snow this weekend. Never have I ever gone trick or treating in the flippin' snow. This is a travesty. This is the biggest upset known to man! How can we film our next production in a foot of snow on Halloween? Wow, my internet is really sucky today. Oh my, I never knew that "sucky" was not in the dictionary. This also, it a travesty. Ah well, yes, the town has postponed Trick or Treating for  a day, but me thinks we will try to hit up both days.

Battlefield 3 is amazing.