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New England, United States
DynaDuctINC produces short films made for the internet. You can find us on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook. Be sure to check out our videos. We love making movies and to show your support you can subscribe to our channel on YouTube or you can send us an email at dynaduct@gmail.com

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Finger Warfare 2, filmed.

This has been one of the longest days of my life. Filming went a million miles and hour and trying to coordinate everything in my head was a nightmare, but all ended well. Sort off. We filmed the entire thing and when we got back to the house we found that one of my SD cards had broke, leaving us with no ending. It was a race against time as me, Tristan, Hackee drove back to Maglaras before night fell. We were able to  re record almost all of the lost footage and the rest can be filmed tomorrow. I also have wind burn. The mic worked well with the camera, but Tristan is going to have a heck of a time syncing all of that audio. I'll include some pictures of the filming below.

Mr. Umbrella Man is pretty boss in this video. he totally melts Tristan with his lasers, seriously... (edit: Well I dissolve, but yeah...)

Get ready for some amazing VFX, and acting if I do say so myself. We had some pretty good stuff in this one. More pictures will be posted soon hopefully. So, stay tuned for one of DynaDuctINC's best videos.

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