Let me start out by saying how much I love Suzanne Collins. Her first series, (And one of my personal favourites), The Underland Chronicles, is a must read for any lover of young adult fiction and Hunger Games fans alike. It was the excellency of her first books that lead me to discover The Hunger Games upon it's release. I remember reading it's pages and thinking, "Wow, this truly is a great!" The books were really wonderful. The movie as well was quite entertaining. Now, let's just put this out there, the movie is not as good as the book. If you think the movie is going to be like the book, your going to have a bad time. It is a reader's lot in life, movie adaptions not being what they imagined. Needless, to say, the movie was one of the best young adult book-to-film renditions I have seen. Gary Ross did an excellent work in capturing the feel of the books and the screenwriters did kept true to the book as anyone can be. All of the major details and plot points where there. That in of itself is an amazing feet. Not many writers get it that right. On the other hand, the most of the characters were not able to be developed as much as they where in the books. Very understandable though, there can only be so much screen time. Also, the acting and the casting of the various characters was quite excellent; Cinna, President Snow, Katniss all had wonderful actors. That helped bring the characters to life despite the fact they did not have much time on screen. All in all, it was a great film and if I think of people realize that it is not going to be what the books where I think they would be able to sit back and see what a good movie it really it. Yepo.
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